If this FAQ cannot solve your problem, please contact the Technical Support Desk.

Questions regarding classes in general

Q. How do I take attendance?

Some options for taking attendance are:

  • Use the attendance feature in UTOL
  • Answer online questionnaires such as Google Forms or Microsoft Forms
  • To avoid fake attendance, require students to answer questions related to the contents of lecture or give feedback on the class.
  • To avoid faking attendance, enable the “Collect emails” function when creating Google forms with ECCS Cloud Email account (UTokyo G Suite). Students’ email addresses would be collected for identity confirmation, making it harder for students to fake attendance. To do this, go to “Settings (the gear icon)”, check the box next to “Collect emails” and select “Restrict to users of UTokyo ECCS Cloud Email and its trusted organizations”.
  • Call the roll (suitable for smaller size classes using web conference systems). You might have the participants turn on cameras and confirm their identities.
  • Use the Zoom Webinar Report; You can use the Webinar Report’s participant join time and exit time information for attendance taking. Details can be found at Zoom for staff: Managing Attendance.

Q. What should I do if I cannot join an online class?

  • Please consult the following link “How to join an online class”. It contains information on how to search for online class URLs, common problems, and where to contact when you cannot join a class.

ECCS Cloud Email (Google Workspace)

Q. What is ECCS Cloud Email?


  • Simply put, it is UTokyo’s version of Google’s email service.
  • As ECCS Cloud Email works as a Google account, you can use Google tools and services such as
  • Google Drive (file storage service)
  • Google Docs (word processor)
  • Google Sheets (spreadsheet program)
  • Google Forms (survey administration software)
  • YouTube

For more information, please refer to “ECCS Cloud Email (Google Workspace)”

Q. How can I start using ECCS Cloud Email?

Q. I cannot access Google Drive and files exclusive to UTokyo. What can I do?

  • (On PC or smartphone) If you are taken to the “You need access” page, and it shows you are signed in with an email address other than your @g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp email address:

  • You are already signed into Google with a different email address. To switch to your ECCS Cloud Email, click on the email address under “You’re signed in as”. After you are taken to the “Choose an account” page, select your ECCS Cloud Email address (xxx@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp). If your ECCS Cloud Email address does not appear in the choices, click on “Use another account” and enter your ECCS Cloud Email address to sign in.

  • (On your smartphone) If you are taken to pages showing “You need permission” or “Request access”:

    • This can happen when you are already signed in with another Google account. Follow the procedures below, and try accessing the drive/file again.
      1. Open a Google App such as Gmail, and press the icon in the upper right corner (either your own icon, or a human symbol if you have not set one up).
      2. Tap “Add another account” to add your Google account.
      3. You will be prompted to enter your email address and password, so enter your ECCS Cloud Email email address and password that you set up above.

Q. I forgot my password / I cannot change my password. What can I do?

Q. What is the difference among 10-digits-ID@utac, 10-digits-ID@g.ecc, and xxxx@g.ecc (email address named after your choice) email addresses?

  • 10-digits-ID@utac.u-tokyo.ac.jp(e.g. 1234567890@utac.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
    • Although it resembles an email address, it cannot be used for sending emails. However, the system may still send notifications or other messages to this address. For instance, regarding Zoom or UTokyo Slack, system-generated emails sent to this address can be received in each individual’s mailbox of ECCS Cloud Email.
    • This may be used as your user name when you sign in to the system with your UTokyo Account. The 10-digit number before @ is called the common ID, and some systems require only this common ID to sign in.
  • 10-digits-ID@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp(e.g. 1234567890@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
    • For those who newly enrolled or appointed after March 2024: This email address can be used as it is as an email address if you do not set up the ECCS Cloud Email initially. If you don’t set up a specific email address, you will use this address to log into Google. If you set up an email address later and change it to xxxx@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp, you will need to use this newly set up email address to log into Google. Please note that even after changing the email address, emails sent to 10-digits-ID@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp will be delivered to xxxx@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp.
    • For those who enrolled or appointed before February 2024: This is the ‘alias’ of ECCS Cloud Email. You cannot log in by entering this on Google’s login screen. Emails sent to this address will go to your ECCS Cloud Email mailbox. You can check this by logging into Gmail at xxxx@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp.
  • xxxx@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp (email address named after your choice)
    • The string preceding the ‘@’ is something you set yourself in the UTokyo Account user menu. You can log into Google services like Gmail with this email address. However, depending on when you enrolled or appointed, there are differences. For those who enrolled or appointed before February 2024, a certain xxxx@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp is set from the beginning, so if you don’t set it yourself, you will use it as an xxxx@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp. On the other hand, for those who enrolled or appointed after March 2024, a 10-digit-ID@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp is set initially, so unless you set the string yourself, you cannot use an email address in the form of xxxx@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp.

Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365)

Q. I cannot sign into Microsoft Office. What can I do?

  • If you see “That Microsoft account doesn’t exist. Enter a different account or get a new one.” on the “Sign In” page: Enter your 10-digit ID@utac.u-tokyo.ac.jp for user ID. Your 10-digit number is your 10-digit common ID.

Q. I cannot edit after signing in. What can I do?

  • There may be issues with license authentication. In such cases, editing might not be possible in Office applications such as Word.
  • For Mac users: Please follow the instructions below to delete your Office License and retry license authentication.
    1. Follow the steps in How to remove Office license files on a Mac – Office support to download the Microsoft license removal tool.
    2. When you open Office applications such as Word after deleting the license, you will be asked to sign into Microsoft 365 (if you are not asked to sign in, find and click the button which says “Sign In”). Please try to sign in with your UTokyo Account (10-digit ID@@utac.u-tokyo.ac.jp) again.
    3. Once you have signed in, your license will be authenticated automatically.
  • For other OS users: Please contact the support desk.


Q. What is UTAS?

UTAS is the academic affairs system of UTokyo. For students, UTAS allows syllabus browsing, course registration and grades checking. For faculty members, syllabus registration, grade registration and course enrollment status checking are available via UTAS.

Q. I cannot sign into UTAS. What can I do?

  • Please check if you can sign into UTokyo Account User Menu and UTOL.
  • If you can sign into UTokyo Account User Menu and UTOL but not UTAS:
    • Your UTAS account may not have been issued. Please send your 10-digit common ID to the faculty office to check if your UTAS account has been issued.
  • If you cannot sign into these systems:
  • Reference: UTAS

Q. 「[Error] あなたは現在このシステムを利用することができません」is shown and sign-in is unavailable. What can I do?

  • This may occur during affiliation transition, for example, from undergraduate to graduate. Please try again later.
  • If this does not apply to your situation, please contact the faculty or graduate school you belong to.
  • UTAS accounts of some faculty members (especially those who are not teaching staff) are not registered. Contact your faculty for more information.


Q. What is UTOL?

  • UTOL is the learning management system of UTokyo.
  • Features of UTOL include lecture materials downloading, assignment submission, online examinations, surveys, and forum discussion for courses registered.
  • Reference: UTOL

UTokyo Account

Q. I cannot sign into the UTokyo Account User Menu. What can I do?

  • Reference: UTokyo Account User Menu
  • Please check that you have entered your ”10-digit common ID” as user ID.
  • Note that it is NOT 10-digit ID@utac.u-tokyo.ac.jp.
  • If an error occurs even when the user ID is entered correctly, you may have entered the wrong password. Reset your password from this page.

Q. An user ID error occurs when I attempt to reset my UTokyo Account password. What can I do?

  • See this page and reset your password.
  • On the Reset Password page, you should enter your 10-digit ID@utac.u-tokyo.ac.jp(e.g. 1234567890@utac.u-tokyo.ac.jp) as your user ID.
  • NOT the 10-digit common ID
  • Watch also this video this video .

Q. I reset my password but did not receive any confirmation mail. What can I do?

  • Email delivery delay is likely caused by server problems.. Please wait for about an hour.
  • Kindly contact your faculty or graduate school office if the confirmation email remains undelivered.


General Questions

Q. How do I create a university account?

Q. Is this service free?

  • Yes. No additional charges will be incurred for the use of UTokyo Zoom Account service.

Q. Do I need to sign in to my UTokyo Zoom Account?

  • Please sign in to your account. Non-UTokyo Zoom Account users might be prohibited from joining specific meeting rooms. There are also additional settings which are only accessible to UTokyo Zoom Account users.
  • Please refer to Sign-in Methods for Zoom for instructions on how to sign in.

Q. I received the error message “ Error AADSTS50105…” and cannot sign in to Zoom.

Q. My account license type is shown as “Basic”, instead of “Licensed”.

  • You are likely not signed in properly to your UTokyo Zoom Account. Please consult Sign-in Methods for Zoom and try again.
  • If you are using a non-10-digit Common ID Zoom account, please refer to Signing in to Zoom with a non-UTokyo ID. Your license type should become “licensed” after switching your sign-in email to [10-digit Common ID]@utac.u-tokyo.ac.jp.
  • If your license type remains “Basic” even after signing in with [10-digit Common ID]@utac.u-tokyo.ac.jp, please contact the Technical Support Desk for assistance.

Trouble joining a meeting

Q. The message “Please wait for the host to start this meeting” (or similar) is shown.

  • It is likely that the lecturer has not yet started the class.
  • Please check UTOL and UTAS to see if there have been any changes to the schedule or class URL.
  • If there have not been any changes but the class does not seem to start, please report your case via Consultation Form of utelecon Support Desk.

Q. The message “This meeting is for authorized attendees only” (or similar) is shown.

  • The meeting is restricted to UTokyo Zoom Account users, but you are not signed in.
  • Click on “Sign In to Join” or “Switch Account to Join”, and sign in to your UTokyo Zoom account following the procedures in Sign-in Methods for Zoom.

Q. The message “Please wait, the meeting host will let you in soon” (or similar) is shown.

  • The lecturer has enabled the Waiting Room feature.
  • Wait for the lecturer to admit you. If you are not admitted after a considerable length of time, please report to Consultation Form of utelecon Support Desk.

Q. “This meeting has reached its maximum number of participants.” is displayed.

  • The number of participants has exceeded the maximum capacity for Zoom meeting.

  • Please check UTOL or UTAS for any urgent updates from the lecturer. If none is found, please report your case viar Consultation Form of utelecon Support Desk.

Q. “Enter Meeting Passcode” is displayed.

  • I”Passcode” is required in addition to the URL to join a Zoom meeting.
  • Please check if the passcode is sent with the class URL. If not, report it to “Report on Attendance Issues”.

Q. “This meeting is locked by the host” is displayed.

  • The teacher has “locked” the meeting room so that no entry is permitted during the meeting.
  • Please report to “Report on Attendance Issues”.

Q. “Invalid address” is displayed.

  • Several cases below display such a message.
    • The meeting room is no longer available → Ask the host to set up a new room.
    • The meeting room URL is entered wrongly→ Check again if the URL is correct, or confirm with the person who shared the URL with you.
    • Your Zoom client (application) is not the latest version → Update your Zoom client to the latest version.

Specific Use

Q. How can I restrict the meeting room to on-campus access only?

  • Please refer to here for details. Several methods are introduced.

Q. How can I take attendance using Zoom?

  • You can get a list of meeting participants through the following procedure.
    1. Click “Report” https://zoom.us/account/report on the left menu of Zoom My Page, and then “Use”.
    2. Click the number in the “Attendee” column of the meeting you want to confirm the attendance of.
    3. Names, join time, leave time, scheduling time, and Zoom account email address of attendees would be displayed.
  • For more details, check Prepare for confirming attendance in classes.

Q. How can I assign omnibus speakers or TAs as hosts?

  • There are two ways to handle this.
    1. When creating a meeting room, turn on the meeting option “Allow participants to join anytime”, and send out host key to teachers or TAs you want to assign as hosts. Have them enter the host key after joining by clicking “Participants” on the menu and then “Request Host”. *In that case, one can become a host even without an account.
    2. When scheduling a meeting, select “Set up an alternate host”.

Q. How can I host a large meeting (more than 301 people) in zoom?

  • Prior application for a large meeting license is essential. With such license, you can hold a zoom meeting beyond normal capacity and gain access to additional features.
  • Please refer to here for the application procedure.

Q. Can I use my UTokyo Zoom account to host meetings and events outside the university?

  • Please refer to the bottom of this page for related information before making a decision.
    • As a member of UTokyo, you are welcome to use these services (Zoom, Webex, Google Meets) for research, education, study, and academic purposes. If you wish to host a meeting that exceeds the participant capacity allowed by the university license, please purchase an individual license on your own.

Q. How can I edit a single occurrence of a recurring meeting?

  • You can set up irregular meeting dates/times in a recurring meeting. (For example, you may change the day of a meeting regularly scheduled on Tuesdays to a Thursday for a specific week.) In the Zoom web portal, open the recurring meeting you want to edit. In the “Time” section, click “Show all occurrences”, and then “Edit” on the occurrence you want to change.

Q. Can I host multiple meetings at the same time?

Q. How can I assign an alternative host?

  • Only UTokyo Accounts ( i.e. “[10-digit Common ID]@utac.u-tokyo.ac.jp” as user ID) can be assigned as alternative hosts.
  • Non-UTokyo Accounts cannot be assigned as alternative hosts. Please switch to your UTokyo Account or take alternative measures, such as assigning the user as co-host or host after entering the meeting room or sharing the host key.

Breakout Rooms

Q. Can I pre-assign students to breakout rooms?

A. Yes, you can pre-assign students to breakout rooms by importing a CSV file containing each student’s email address and pre-assigned room name. To import a CSV file, access the Zoom web portal, and go to “MY ACCOUNT”->”Meetings”->”Edit”->”Meeting Options”->”Breakout Room pre-assign”. Please note that students need to sign into the Zoom meeting using the email addresses in the CSV file.

Related article: “Pre-assigning participants to breakout rooms

Q. Can I extend breakout time after the breakout session has started?

To be able to extend your breakout time, select the “Notify me when time is up” option when you create the breakout session. Once the session time is over, you will receive a notification. Select “keep breakout rooms open” to extend session time.

Q. Is there an effective way to sort students on the participant list to make grouping easier for breakout sessions?

A. Sorting students on the participant list can be done easily by changing the students’ “Display name”. During the Zoom meeting, ask your students to add numbers or discussion topics to the beginning of their “Display name” (e.g. “01 Smith”, “ Topicxxx Smith”). The students with the same number/discussion topic will show together on the participant list, making it easier to assign them to the same group.

Q. Can the co-host create a breakout room?

A. Yes, the co-host can create a breakout room for December 2020 version 5.4.6 or higher. Please try updating your Zoom App if the feature is not enabled.

Q. Can the co-host join a breakout room?

A. Co-hosts can freely join/leave breakout rooms, just like the host.

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